LifeBio Memory App - Voice Record Stories


Use a smartphone or tablet to tell your own or a loved one's story!


Download the LifeBio Memory app (iOS or Android) and get started. You can purchase the app either after a 14-day trial (inside the app) OR just purchase it now and you will have confirmed your lifetime membership now. After purchasing through our shopping cart, we will send you an email to confirm how to login.

Comprehensive story and photo prompts are provided to make it easy to record without difficulty or delay. There are more than 200 questions in 34 topics to choose from. Click "Start Here" and see question prompts on screen to answer. Record long or short answers and stop and start as you wish. LifeBio Memory asks the right questions to bring out the best stories---to create a priceless legacy. Enjoy this opportunity to capture life stories through audio recording. Record your own or a loved one's voice and listen anytime you want!

Audio files, stories, and photos are safely saved online in the LifeBio cloud available at (using same login/password). Enjoy listening to the audio recordings again and again!

Questions? Call 1-866-LIFEBIO or 937-303-4576 or email


PRINTED BOOK OPTION: You will have the opportunity to create a printed copy of your Life Story Book through the LifeBio Memory app. Use LifeBio's "Request Story Files" button inside the app once you're finished with your story. Ask about the hardcover book upgrade. Contact us for options at or call 937-303-4576.

Samples of book options are found here:

Device pictured is not included.